Pickett's Easter Journal
Happy Easter to you all from here at Pickett.
This time of year is one I associate with being outdoors (we hope! It's Easter after all… ) as much as possible, and I particularly enjoy time spent at a car boot sale buying plants before planting them in the garden asap.
I love my garden but will never make a head gardener, so I am told – my underplanting is chaotic to say the least. In some areas, however, I triumph, and I’ve successfully cultivated a glorious mix of Tulips, Sedums, Hostas, Foxgloves, Euphorbia and Delphiniums. I only wish my luck was better with Snakeshead Fritillaria Meleagris, supposedly meant to thrive in my garden, which is part water meadow, but sadly not living up to expectations. Thankfully, Fox Fritillary Meadow is close by so all is not lost, and I can still get my fix of Frit.
I never buy cut flowers - I cut foliage and flowers from the garden to display indoors, or I buy potted plants (from the car boot) that I can transfer to the garden after they’ve flowered. I think - or hope - it’s very ‘cop 26’ to not just throw them away, and I now have a garden full of flowers that were originally bought to be inside the house as decorative - my primula primroses are a particular triumph.
I also have a big bowl of succulents hidden away indoors (an idea stolen from @robvanhelden) - they’re a great solution for last-minute flowers, require very little work, look fabulous, and always get compliments!
Away from the garden, I’ll be in the Pickett store over the long weekend handing out E-numbers and other guilty pleasures that fit the ‘a bit on the lip and inches on the hips’ brief. Who can resist a Cadbury’s Creme Egg after all!
Getting back into the shop opening hours post-covid is strange, but we are attempting to get back on track this Easter. If you’re in the area, do come by and say hello…
As well as Spring blooms, this time of year is of course also synonymous with all things chocolate. Instead of the usual mass-produced eggs, I urge you to consider an alternative, from makers with a real interest in provenance and sustainability.
My suggestion is to seek out sustainable chocolate expert and lifelong chocolate activist (as well as founder and one-time owner of Rococo Chocolates), Chantal Coady OBE. Chantal is known as The Chocolate Detective, and her aim is to bring consumers chocolate that is 100% transparent about origin and supports the people at the start of the value chain. She’s got huge amounts of integrity and I have utmost respect for what she’s doing - take a look at chocolatedetective.co.uk to find out more.
And if you need a way to use up any post-Easter chocolate, I have a great tip from a friend with many grandchildren, who often ends up with an abundance of leftovers.
With their delicate floral prints and pastel colourways, our lightweight Stoles are absolutely perfect for this time of year. But there’s more to these scarves than just their looks. These pretty pieces are made from modal, a bio-based fabric that we’re incredibly excited to be using as it fits in with our goal to be as sustainable as possible.
Modal’s production process - it’s made from spinning beach tree cellulose - uses less water than cotton’s, making it a more eco-friendly option. It’s also long lasting, so you shouldn’t need to replace an item made from modal for a long time… This fabric is clever, contemporary and feels like an obvious choice for any company with a forward-thinking attitude to fashion manufacturing.
Embrace the fresh new season with an array of Spring Essentials to keep you prepared for whatever the weather may bring!
Corbin & King
The news regarding the Corbin & King prompted many conversations about the changing face of dining out in the capital. Chris Corbin and Jeremy King are undisputed masters of hospitality, and have been raising the bar of eating out in this country ever since they took control of Le Caprice in 1981. I remember eating at Le Caprice when it first opened. I used it as if it was a café round the corner! It was very much the place to go meet up with friends, and the first in a long list of iconic London restaurants we have Chris and Jeremy to thank for. I think we’re all just waiting to see what their next move will be at this point, but what’s for certain is that their legacy will continue, and they are sure to rise, Phoenix-style…